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Class #1: The Season of Fall & North America (supplies needed to create lessons)

Acorn Pouring:

•Tray (from dollar/thrift store)

•Small pitcher with big enough mouth to pour acorns (from your kitchen or dollar/thrift store)

•Small bowl that will pour easily back into pitcher (from your kitchen)

•Acorns (from nature)

*Tip- set up the pitcher on the left side of the tray to be poured into bowl on the right side of tray. Maria Montessori believed that presenting lessons to the child from left to right helps to set a foundation for reading, as we read from left to right.

Pumpkin Spooning:

•Tray (from dollar/thrift store)

•2 bowls that fit on the tray (from your kitchen or dollar/thrift store)

•1 child-sized spoon (from your kitchen or on-line)

•1 package of small pumpkins (from a craft store or on-line)

Seedpod Tonging:

•Tray (from dollar/thrift store)

•2 bowls/containers to fit on the tray (from your kitchen or dollar/thrift store)

•Seedpods (from nature)

Sandpaper Numbers & Leaves:

•Set of sandpaper numbers (make your own or buy a cardboard-backed set on-line)

•Box or tray to hold the sandpaper numbers (from your house or dollar/thrift store)

•Leaves (from nature)

•Tray to hold leaves (from your house or thrift store)

Sandpaper Letters and Basket of Objects:

•Basket (from thrift store)

•1 apple (from kitchen)

•1 roll of tape (from office/kitchen)

•1 handheld mirror (from bathroom or dollar store)

•Set of lowercase sandpaper letters in a simple font (make your own or buy a cardboard-backed set on-line)

•Box or tray to hold sandpaper letters (from your house or dollar/thrift store)

*Tip to make your own sandpaper numbers and letters:

1.Buy coarse sandpaper from a hardware store

2.Buy a set of number stencils 0-9 and lowercase letter stencils in a simple font (on-line)

3.Buy 4 large pieces of posterboard from a dollar store

4.Trace number and letter stencils onto the back of the sandpaper. Cut out the numbers and letters from the sandpaper. Glue the numbers and letters to posterboard. Cut the posterboard into equal-sized rectangles, each one displaying a sandpaper letter or number.

Fall Tree Art:

•Any color of construction paper to be cut in half for tree drawings (on-line or grocery store)

•Black marker to draw trees onto construction paper (from your home or dollar store)

•Container with 2-4 sections to sort tiny leaves by color (thrift store or dollar store)

•Leaf hole punch (craft store or on-line) *Or you can cut out tiny leaves from construction paper

•Two small containers for Q-tips and glue (from kitchen or thrift store)

•Q-tips cut in half (dollar store)

•Child-safe glue (from grocery store)

•1 tray to fit trees, sectioned container with leaves, containers for glue and Q-tips

Map of the World:

•You can print one on-line (simplistic with pronounced continent shapes)

Model of North America:

•Image of North America (find a topographical image on-line, reduce to a 4 by 6 rectangular size & cut it out)

•4 by 6 piece of recycled cardboard to glue on the topographical image

•Contact paper or lamination to cover image of North America

•Orange playdough or modeling clay (craft store or find a playdough recipe on-line)

•Small Tupperware container to hold playdough/clay

•Tray to fit image of North America and tupperware container with clay

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